Party numbers drawn amid chaos at Din Daeng

The Election Commission (EC) on Thursday morning managed to organise the drawing of ballot sheet numbers for the party-list system in the planned Feb 2 election as chaos ruled outside the venue at the Thai-Japanese sports complex in Bangkok.

Thirty political parties which had applied to contest the general election in the party-list system drew numbers.

Outside the building, chaos reigned as protesters of the Network of Students and People for Reform of Thailand (SRT) tried to disrupt the process.

The EC arranged for representatives of the 34 parties which had applied to register for the polls on Monday to attend the draw of party numbers for the ballot sheets at the Thai-Japanese sports complex this morning at 9am.

About 7am, the SRT protesters arrived at Gates No 1-3 of the Din Daeng complex on 15 buses and two trucks - one equipped with a sound system and another a makeshift stage.

They leaders then took turn to speaking on the stage, attacking the Election Commission (EC).

Twelve companies of police that had been deployed inside the compound then tried in vain to stop the protesters entering the complex. The protesters cut chains securing the gates, used a crane to pull open a gate, and hurled rocks into the sports complex.

Police responded with tear gas and rubber bullets and water cannon firing purple water. This happened while EC officials were examining documents on the candidates on the party lists.

Two army helicopters were seen hovering over the sports complex keeping watch on the situation.

The five EC members were escorted into the complex by police under the command of Pol Gen Vorapong Chiewpreecha, a deputy police chief.

At 8.30am, Somsak Suriyamongkol, deputy secretary-general of the EC, said only 30 of the 34 parties which had applied would be eligible for the drawing of ballot sheet numbers.

He said Prachathem Party had withdrawn its registration application. The Khon Khor Plod Nee Party waived the right to draw a number. The Siang Prachachon Party sent someone who was not authorised by the party leader. The representative of the Rak Santi Party did not show up by 8.30am.

Therefore, only 30 parties attended the drawing of the party numbers.

The Pheu Thai Party drew No 15, Chartthaipattana No 14, Chart Pattana No 1, and Bhumjaithai No 6. The other parties are mostly little known.

A helicopter evacuated the five EC members and political parties' representatives from the Thai-Japanese stadium.

After the draw, it was reported that a number of news reporters, EC officials and political party representatives were still inside the stadium as the protesters had closed all gates.

EC chairman Supachai Charoenwong despite the disruption the commission is duty-bound to organise the election for Feb 2 as required by the royal decree.

He believed that after today's party numbers draw the situation would improve.

The Bangkok venue for the registration of candidates standing in individual constituencies remains the Keelawes Building No 1 at the Thai-Japanese sports complex from Dec 28 to Jan 1 as scheduled.

Mr Supachai admitted the EC had been criticised by both the government and its opponents in the conflict. He only wished that all sides respect the law and allow the EC to perform its duties.

Somchai Srisuthiyakorn, a commissioner in charge of election administration, said the EC would meet this morning and then iissue a statement for the government's attention.

He said the EC was concerned there might be violent incidents during the lead-up to the Feb 2 election because there were still many steps to be taken. They include the registration of candidates running in constituencies, the political campaigning for votes, and advance voting.

'The EC will hold a meeting to formulate its stance and then issue a statement to the government for attention today. The EC is not happy with what happened today and may have to make a decision on this matter,' Mr Somchai said.

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