2 adult human skulls found in trash in Connecticut

Photo By Stamford Police Department/AP

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) - The skulls of an older man and woman were found at a Connecticut waste transfer station near some books and videos on witchcraft and Satan, police said Friday.

The skulls and a jaw bone were found Thursday at a Stamford transfer station in a pile of recyclables brought from the home of a Fairfield man who had recently died, said Stamford police Lt. Diedrich Hohn.

'What we are hearing from sources and stuff is that this guy, who has passed away, was into the occult,' Hohn said. 'That's what we're investigating now.'

One skull was complete, the other was missing its mandible (jawbone), which was found nearby, Hohn said.

Hohn said officers sifting through the debris from the man's home also came across several books on witchcraft and books and videos dealing with Satanism.

The skulls and the mandible were sent to the medical examiner's office in Farmington, Connecticut, where it was determined the larger one came from a man and the smaller skull and mandible came from a woman. Both people died late in life, Hohn said.

There were no signs of trauma on either skull.

The skulls are being sent to an anthropologist to get a more accurate estimate of the ages of the deceased, he said.

'We're looking at all angles to determine where they came from, to make sure it wasn't a grave robbery,' Hohn said. 'You could buy these skulls online. We also want to make sure there is nothing sinister, that no one was murdered.'

Dan Colleluori, the city's solid waste supervisor, told Hearst Media Group the skulls were in pile of recyclables, part of load dropped off Thursday morning by a junk dealer who had cleaned out the home in Fairfield.

Part of the larger skull appeared to be colored blue. Hohn said he was told by the medical examiner that was the result of being bleached.

Hohn declined to give the name or address of the man from whose home the skulls are believed to have been taken. He said police had not yet interviewed the man's family.

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