Fishermen catch rare pink goblin shark

The captured goblin shark, surrounded by the intended catch of the day. Photo: Carl Moore

Fishermen have pulled a rarely seen bright-pink goblin shark from the Gulf of Mexico before throwing the thrashing creature back into the water fearing its 'wicked' teeth.

The prehistoric-looking shark, estimated to be 5.5 metres long, was caught by fishermen trawling for shrimps. It is only the second sighting off the Key West coast of Florida, the Houston Chronicle reported.The last sighting in that area was 10 years ago.

The shark usually lives in deep waters off the coast of Japan, but the Florida Museum of Natural History says it has also been seen in Australian waters.

The shrimp net was plunged 600 metres into the water before retrieving the thrashing creature.

Fisherman Carl Moore, who may be one of only 10 people to have seen a goblin shark alive, photographed it only because he had a new smartphone and his grandson loved sharks.

'I didn't even know what it was,' Mr Moore said.

'I didn't get the tape measure out because that thing's got some wicked teeth, they could do some damage.'

He quickly put the shark back into the water, but not before taking a couple of snaps on his phone.

'My three-year-old grandson, he just loves sharks so I've been taking pictures of every one we find. When I showed him this one, he said, 'Wow, Pappa!'' Mr Moore said.

The goblin shark was found on April 19, but Mr Moore only recently reported it to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, whose scientists were keen to know more.

'This is great news,' NOAA shark expert John Carlson said.

'This is only the second confirmed sighting in the Gulf. The majority of specimens are found off Japan or in the Indian Ocean and around South Africa.'

The shark is said to live in the deepest portions of the ocean and has few interactions with humans. It is listed as of ''least concern'' on the World Conservation Union's endangered list.

The shark's unique combination of features include its pink colour and a protruding snout that hides a rack of sharp teeth. The goblin shark was thought to be extinct until it was found in Japan in 1898.

It is part of the Mitsukurinidae family of sharks which has a lineage dating back 125 million years. Goblin shark fossils have been found, giving rise to the term ''living fossil'' when describing the shark.

The goblin shark's long snout is believed to have electrical sensors so it can find prey even when it can't see or hear. Its jaw is said to operate like a venus fly trap.

Mr Carlson said scientists were disappointed they did not get a chance to learn more about the mysterious deep-sea predator.

'We don't even know how old they get, how fast they grow,' Mr Carlson said.

Shark blogger and University of Miami marine biologist David Shiffman could not believe at first that the shark had been found in the Gulf.

'At first I wasn't sure if it was even possible for this to happen, but then, when the photos came through, it is undeniably a goblin shark. It's a shark ... that's pink!'

Mr Shiffman told the Chronicle it was unclear exactly what caused the fish to have such a unique colour. He said that at the depth the shark lived the colour red appeared black, making the shark nearly impossible to see and allowing it to sneak up on unsuspecting prey.

Mr Moore said the goblin shark was the highlight of his 50 years as a fisherman.

'The guys at NOAA said I'm probably one of only 10 people who've seen one of those alive,' Mr Moore said.

He said there was no question about whether to release it.

'That's my ocean out there and anything in it concerns me ... I know the value of trying to preserve things,' Mr Moore said.

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