Sahara dust storm prompts 'serious' health warning for asthmatics

'They should be carrying their reliever inhalers and if it looks like going on for more than a day or two they should double their use of preventer inhalers as a short term solution. If their asthma gets worse they need medical attention.

'We usually see an increase in people needing medical in these weather conditions. The problems may go on for a few days even when the pollution has cleared. Over that period they are more vulnerable to effects of infection and irritation in the home Don't go out if you can help it and don't do strenuous exercise.'

Dr Prowse said runners with asthma should definitely abstain adding it would be 'sheer stupidity' for them to go running in current conditions.

'I have seen people actually jogging while holding an asthma reliever. They are asking for trouble at the moment,' he said.

Dr Prowse said people with conditions such as cystic fibrosis will be more at risk as well those with other lung conditions such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

Healthy people with previously undiagnosed asthma could develop the condition as a result of the dust. 'If there's any sort of tendency to develop asthma, this could trigger an attack. Once it has triggered the asthma, then they could end up on the asthma pathway, needing longer term treatment,' he said.

Smokers who think they have symptoms before can find themselves getting more chest problems, producing more mucuous, and more coughing after this kind of dust episode. They may go onto to have chronic symptoms,' Dr Prowse added.

'Asthma flare-ups can take a while to settle down again and from a point of view of people with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), sufferers get problems because of the irritation which causes inflammation in the tubes and makes them produce more mucous and that can take a long while to settle down and it's not uncommon to see the effects going on for several weeks.'

Angela Jones, Asthma Nurse Specialist for Asthma UK said she would be 'very surprised' if there wasn't a spike in asthma admissions.

'It is very difficult for asthma sufferers at this time of the year. They have already had to contend with an early pollen season which started in late January and now they have Saharan dust adding to their problems. Sufferers need to keep their asthma under control to prevent long term damage and take their medication.and carry their asthma reliever with them at all times.

'Sufferers should also stay away from high density traffic if they do need to go out,' she added.

She said 1,200 people die each year from asthma attacks.

Kay Boycott, chief executive of Asthma UK, said: 'The two-thirds of people with asthma who find that air pollution makes their asthma worse will be at an increased risk of an attack following the alarming Defra warning of high pollution levels around the country.

'Asthma UK warns the 3.6 million people at increased risk to be sure they always have a working blue reliever inhaler on them and take their preventer inhalers as prescribed.'

Meanwhile, people suffering the effects of high levels of pollution - including sore eyes, coughs and sore throats - were warned to cut down the amount of activity they take outside.

Asthmatics might need to use their blue reliever inhalers more often as they could be prone to attacks today and over the next few days. Other people with lung and heart problems, and those who are older, should also avoid strenuous exercise or activity.

The advice, from Public Health England (PHE), Asthma UK and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), comes after a warning that people in parts of England should be braced for the highest level of air pollution recorded by Defra.

This morning's forecast says large parts of southern England have 'high' levels of pollution, with some parts 'very high'.

Defra ranks air pollution from one to 10, with one being the lowest and 10 the highest.

Across most of England, moderate to high air pollution levels are forecast, with level 10 expected in parts of East Anglia and the East Midlands.

'This is due to light easterly winds continuing to bring in pollutants and allowing local pollutants to remain close to source,' the forecast from Defra said. 'There may also be some component due to Saharan dust.'

Tomorrow, high levels of pollution are forecast for East Anglia, the Midlands, Lincolnshire, eastern parts of Wales, through the Wirral and the north coast of Wales. High levels will move north over much of coastal north-west England, to south-west Scotland and the north-east of Northern Ireland.

Sotiris Vardoulakis, head of air pollution at PHE's centre for radiation, chemical and environmental hazards, said: 'Whilst most people will not be affected by short-term peaks in air pollution, some individuals, particularly vulnerable groups such as those with existing heart or lung conditions, may experience increased symptoms.

'On occasions where levels are high, adults and children with lung problems, and adults with heart problems, should reduce strenuous physical exertion, particularly outdoors, and particularly if they experience symptoms.

'People with asthma may find they need to use their reliever inhaler more often. Older people should also reduce physical exertion.

'Anyone experiencing discomfort such as sore eyes, cough or sore throat should consider reducing activity, particularly outdoors.'

Frank Kelly, professor of environmental health at King's College London, said: 'Whether home-produced or arriving from the continent, the tiny particles we take into our bodies with each breath cause immediate problems for some individuals such as those with asthma and contribute to longer term problems for most of us in the form of heart disease and stroke.

'For those who are sensitive to air pollution, it's important they are provided with accurate forecasts of when air quality will deteriorate so they can plan their activities to reduce exposure, perhaps by taking different routes to work or school or avoiding strenuous exercise on those days.

'Even those who do not feel any particular sensitivity to air pollution can benefit from such avoidance techniques but they will have to wait several decades to see the benefit.'

Paul Cosford, director of health protection at PHE, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: 'Clearly this is a serious issue but it's important that we don't get it out of proportion.

'It's a small number of days of very high air pollution levels. The pollution will go down towards the end of the week.

'For the vast majority of people, they will suffer no harm as a result. We may notice sore eyes, coughs, sore throats and perhaps a little bit of a wheeze if we are taking physical activity outdoors.

'If that occurs, it is sensible just to reduce during these high pollution episodes the amount of physical activity.

'The most important advice is for those people who are vulnerable - people who have lung disease or heart disease and particularly asthma. That's where the advice - if you are in a very high-polluted area, to reduce the amount of strenuous physical activity that you are taking outdoors - is sensible just for these few days.'

The elevated pollution levels have been caused by a combination of light south-easterly winds, the continental air flow and dust which has blown up from the Sahara desert.

Meanwhile parts of eastern England, the Midlands and Wales over the next few days will experience the highest levels of air pollution on the government's official scale, and those with heart and lung problems have been warned by environmental experts to avoid 'strenuous activity'.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) said certain areas would reach 10 out of 10 - or 'very high' - on its air cleanliness chart on Tuesday and Wednesday.

When levels reach 7 to 9 on Defra's chart, adults and children with lung problems and adults with heart problems are advised to reduce exertion.

(Met Office)

Those with asthma are told they may find they need to use their inhaler more often and older people are also advised to reduce physical exertion.

When pollution levels reach 10, the general population is told to 'reduce physical exertion, particularly outdoors, especially if you experience symptoms such as sore eyes, cough or sore throat'.

Defra said the elevated pollution levels have been caused by a combination of light south-easterly winds, the continental air flow and dust which has blown up from the Sahara desert.

North-west Norfolk should experience the highest level of air pollution on Tuesday, while East Anglia will experience 'high' levels and parts of south-east England and the Humber region will experience 'moderate' pollution.

Experts are anticipating 'high' or 'very high' air pollution levels across much of England and Wales on Wednesday.

The high levels of pollution are expected to continue across East Anglia and the Midlands on Thursday, but the air pollution is expected to ebb away by Friday.

Last weekend, some people found their cars to be covered in a light coating of red dust. The Met Office said that a large amount of sand and dust was swept up by storm winds in the Sahara Desert.

Experts said that the airborne particles of dust were blown north to the UK where they combined with our warm air and were deposited during showers.

Asthma UK offers a helpline for people with concerns. The number is 0800 121 6244.

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