Hollywood star Christian Bale has reportedly opted out of the new untitled Steve Jobs biopic as he felt the role was not right for him. Scriptwriter Aaron Sorkin had confirmed that Bale, 40, was attached to play Jobs in the film to be directed by Danny Boyle, reported Ace Showbiz. 'We needed the best actor on the board in a certain range and that's Christian Bale,' he had said, adding Bale did not have to audition to get the part. However, the actor apparently felt the role was not right for him and decided to exit before the movie begins shooting this winter. It's rather abrupt because Boyle was scheduled to meet the cast this week to talk about the movie. It is yet clear whether Bale's withdrawal will affect the rest of the casting. Seth Rogen is still in talks to play the role of Steve Wozniak but a deal is yet struck. Leonardo DiCaprio was the first actor eyed for the role of Jobs but he quit earlier this year due to scheduling conflict.
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