
The fight for the Syrian-Turkish border town Kobane is always dramatic: According to the activists Dschihadistenmiliz 'Islamic State' has (IS) captured the headquarters of the Kurdish forces. The jihadists have taken the command center, reported the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights on Friday.

Since Monday there is fierce street fighting in Kobane, the Jihadists in spite of international air attacks on advancing their supply lines again and again. On Thursday, the IS-militias had taken despite strong opposition the headquarters of the Kurdish police, as well as the command center of the people's defense units (YPG) is located in the so-called security loin. There is also the municipal council of the city.

According to Kurdish activists, the IS has also started on Friday with massive attacks on a major link road to the Turkish border, to completely cut off the last bastion in the Kurdish region from the outside world. The jihadists have already surrounded the city on three sides.

If the IS Kobane conquer, would the Sunni extremists a continuous border strip to Turkey under its control. In Syria and Iraq, they have since June held the power in many rural areas. In Iraq, it is primarily inhabited by large sections of the Sunni areas in the north and in the west Iraq's Anbar province.

IS-Kurds Fight Kobane:More than 30 dead in protests in Turkey

In Turkey, the protests against the Turkish inaction in the fight for Kobane more and more people cost them their lives. Meanwhile in clashes especially in the Kurdish dominated southeast of the country, 31 people were killed, said Interior Minister Efkan Ala in Ankara, according to the Anatolia news agency. In addition, had been shot in Eastern Anatolia on Thursday, two police officers. 360 people were injured, including 139 police officers.

The United States and its allies put the air war against the IS continued in the early hours of Friday. According to human rights observers were doing two positions of the jihadists in the east Kobanes and a hit in the south of the city. On Thursday, nine objectives in the north and south had been shot, said the Central Command of the U.S. military with in Tampa (Florida). Several used by the IS building and tanks of the terrorist militia had been destroyed. The U.S. government announced its intention to strengthen its cooperation with Turkey in the fight against IS.

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