Christie Bridgegate Report a Sham

The Christie Bridgegate report is a sham, decried national democrats. Democrats blasted the report which was commissioned by Governor Christie's office. The internal report which consisted of 360 pages was released yesterday, apparently to coincide with Christie's exclusive interview with Diane Sawyer of ABC news. The report submitted by the law firm of Gibson, Dunn and Crutcher, apparently to the tune of $1 million, exonerated Christie and his staff, as well as personal advisors, of any culpability for the George Washington Bridge lane closures on September 9, 2013.

Spokesman for the Democratic National Committee, Mo Elleithee, was highly critical of the report, referring to it as an expensive sham. They failed to interview any of the key figures involved with Bridegate, according to Elleithee. He said they found no evidence, no findings and no real answers as to who was responsible for the lane closures on the George Washington Bridge. He said NJ taxpayers paid $1 million dollars for this report which provides no exoneration for Christie. He stated this report was just Christie spending a million dollars in an effort to clear his name. He said Christie spent a million dollars on things we already know. He said we knew Christie's staff was responsible for the lane closures. Elleithee said we knew there was a cover-up by Christie aides. He said we know Christie's office is responsible for violating the public trust.

The Christie Bridgegate report blames the lane closures on the George Washington Bridge on Christie deputy chief of staff Bridgett Kelly and Port Authority official David Wildstein, although they were never interviewed by the Gibson, Dunn law firm, according to democrats. There were no interviews of other key figures in the Christie Bridgegate scandal, including Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich, who is alleged to be the target of political payback by the Christie administration, according to democrats.

State lawmakers have denounced the Christie Bridgegate report as a sham, and noted it offered no credibility. Democrats claim that there were carefully released leaks before the investigation was complete. Democrats note the Gibson, Dunn law firm failed to interview the three key figures involved in Bridgegate. Former federal prosecutor Randy Mastro, who authored the Christie Bridgegate report, admitted he was unable to interview key players because of an ongoing criminal investigation by the US Attorney's Office and a legislative inquiry.

The Christie Bridgegate scandal began in September when traffic lanes from the George Washington Bridge that directed traffic into Fort Lee, NJ were closed without notice or warning, backing up traffic for miles. Port Authority officials initially blamed the back up on a traffic study. Later it was established that the Port Authority's explanation was a cover up. Former prosecutor Randy Mastro puts the blame solely on Christie deputy Bridgett Kelly and Port Authority official David Wildstein. He reports that Kelly and Wildstein participated in a scheme to close the traffic lanes as political payback against Christie foe, Fort Lee Mayor Sokolich.

While many democrats are purporting that the Christie Bridgegate report is a scam, Governor Christie has other problems too. He has been accused by Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer of threatening to cut off Hurricane Sandy aide to her city if she didn't support a waterfront development project pushed by the Governor Christie.

By John J. Poltonowicz Twitter


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