Video: Little Delaney Brown dies on Christmas Day after thousands sing to fulfil ...


Brave: Delaney Brown A TERMINALLY ill girl has died after having her Christmas wish fulfilled when 10,000 people sang carols for her outside her home, writes Colin 0'Carroll

Eight-year-old Delaney Brown, known as 'Laney', was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia in May. Last week her family were told she only had weeks to live.

She died at 3.10am on Christmas Day at her home in the US.

Her mother said: 'My heart breaks right now. Our little angel on Earth earned her pink glittery angel wings in heaven.

'She took her last breath at home in her bed at 3.10 surrounded by all her family and friends. I miss her so much already.'

Her family created a Team Laney Facebook page and 94,000 followers were asked to help her achieve her dying wishes.

The first was a conversation with singer Taylor Swift, who comes from her hometown of West Reading, Pennsylvania. This took place via Skype at the weekend.

Then, the next day, thousands of followers showed up at her home to fulfil her second wish which was carol singing.

Her third wish of a Disney cruise was ruled out due to illness.

An estimated 10,000 carolers showed up including many of her school friends.

'I was sad because she has cancer. I want to make her feel better,' Kaylee Jester said as she stood outside the family home.

'I love her and miss her.'

The carols began early with holiday songs such as Rudolf, Jingle Bells and Joy To The World.

The Browns' front door was open during the caroling so that Delaney could hear.

A photo of Delaney with both thumbs up was soon posted on the family's Team Facebook page. The caption read, 'I can hear you now!!! Love you!'

Her parents asked for prayers for their daughter and said they were overwhelmed by support.

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