Partly reflecting recent brinkmanship in Washington, the results of a CNN/ORC International poll released Thursday showed that most Americans think the current Congress is the worst of their lifetime.
The poll found that two-thirds of Americans think the 113th Congress is the worst, while 28 percent disagreed with that sentiment.
CNN Polling Director Keating Holland noted that all demographic and political subgroups agree that the current Congress is the worst they can remember.
'Older Americans - who have lived through more congresses - hold more negative views of the 113th Congress than younger Americans,' Holland said.
He added, 'Republicans, Democrats and independents also agree that this has been the worst session of Congress in their lifetimes.'
The negative assessment seems to partly reflect the gridlock in Washington, with 73 percent of Americans saying that this Congress has done nothing to address the country's problems.
According to CNN, fewer than 60 bills have been signed into law during the first year of the two-year long 113th Congress.
With the midterm elections in 2014 potentially leading to increased partisanship, CNN said the current Congress is on track to become the least productive in at least the last four decades.
The poll showed that Americans also have negative views about any policies likely to be enacted, with majorities saying that they believe the policies of both Democrats and Republicans in Congress would move the country in the wrong direction.
The CNN/ORC poll of 1,035 adults was conducted December 16th through 19th and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
by RTT Staff Writer
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